Thursday, March 1, 2012

"I Feel Reborn. I'm Like a Phoenix Rising from Arizona" - Day 4

  • Frank Costanza: "I have been performing feats of strength all morning."
The Day 4 routine (Cardio Recovery) of Insanity is not a break but it almost feels like one as you are really working on core strength and overall flexibility rather than hammering your cardiovascular system. The video is the shortest one so far -- just 33 minutes. Most of the video is stretching and the heart rate never really climbs. I did break a little sweat from the core work, but nothing like the pools dripping under me from the last 3 days.

This recovery session comes at a good time because I am afraid another dose of high intensity cardio and power would cause most people (including me) to quit before the first week was over. I really needed the stretching to make those tight and sore muscles loosen up without generating any more lactic acid.

The stretches really do require a lot of balance to keep from falling. I had to try getting into the proper positions several times as I lost my balance. Last night as I previewed the session, Kristy told me that she wanted to watch me do the "Plie Yoga Stretch." I promise you that it wasn't pretty, but I can take it if she can. By the way, she wasn't watching me at 5:45, so I think that was a bluff.

Anyway, I feel ready to go again tomorrow with "Pure Cardio." It seems that recovery is going to be short and sweet.

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