Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Day 9 - Why Am I Doing This Again?

Alright. Day 9 of Insanity is in the books. Thankfully, I will have 3 other workouts before I see the "Pure Cardio" workout again. It's not that the other workouts are a walk in the park. I just prefer them to this pure unending cardio hell. I found myself asking the question, "Why? Why? Why am I doing this again?"  The answer is basically that I paid for this @!%#!

I have this significant problem. The problem that I have is that the Insanity workout series wasn't cheap, but I am. After shelling out the dough to get the workouts, I feel pretty much obligated to make my way through them. So, I guess I keep going and find out if the T-shirt is waiting for me at the end of this mess. A free t-shirt would add to my invested value (I told you that I was cheap).

Eventually, if I ever get to the point where the warm-up doesn't seem like a full blown workout, I will see a benefit to this. Rumor has it that the first 3 weeks are really just laying a cardio and strength foundation to build upon. I guess if I make it through those weeks, then we will see. Tomorrow, Day 10, is a "Plyometric Cardio Circuit" session.

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