Sunday, April 29, 2012

Day 37 -- Day 49

Ok. You probably think that you can tell that my dedication to blogging about my Insanity challenge has fallen off just a bit. Well, it's not so much that I have lost the dedication as it is a lack of time after all the stuff that been going on. The last 2 weeks of the challenge have gone mostly like the calendar advises. I had one switched rest day last weekend because I was too sick to do the workout.

Today, I decided to do the "Fit Test" on the Rest day because I wanted to find out my progress, but I didn't want to spend 25 extra minutes tomorrow when the scheduled workout is already an hour. Sophie "helped" count the reps and Eliza "helped" during the Push-Up Jacks and Low Plank Obliques. With those two things said, I am pretty pleased with the Day 49 (50) results. They are in the table below with the Day 1 results for comparison.

Exercise Day 1 Reps Day 49 Reps
Switch Kicks 35 52
Power Jacks 26 53
Power Knees 53 92
Power Jumps 22 43
Globe Jumps 6 9
Suicide Jumps 8 16
Push-Up Jacks 11 25
Low Plank Oblique 22 46

I have doubled (or more) the reps on 4 of the 8 exercises.  I may double all of them when I take the final test 2 weeks from today.

~ Notes ~
  • My resting heart rate is now in the high 50s to low 60s bpm.
  • My blood pressure is in the normal (115/65) range after working out.
  • When it feels like an earthquake at night, that is a muscle spasm.
    • I have gotten out of bed twice and wandered to the living room to ask Kristy if she felt an earthquake.
    • The spasms are likely caused by muscle exhaustion mixed with an slight electrolyte imbalance.
  • I am ready to be done so that I can get a real rest for a week or so before deciding what to do next.
I am stuck at the 5-6 lbs of weight loss, but my body is definitely changing. I am still trying to decide whether or not to post my before and after pics on the blog.

1 comment:

Josh and Margo said...

You should definitely post before and after pics. Just be sure and shave your body and grease up before taking the after pics.

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